This Tablecloth isn’t just a regular tablecloth… no, it’s special. It’s a tradition. It’s a look back on their years passed and a hope for their future. Every year you are going to add to this and in 10 years, you are going to look back in amazement at how your children have grown. In 20 years, you will have new little handprints on it, as your children begin to have children. Every year, just move to a new section on the tablecloth. Change the color of the paint on your kid’s hands if you’d rather as you add any new hands (new babies) onto the tablecloth.

What You Need:

1. Find a tablecloth

2. Find paint that is NOT going to wash off when you throw it into the washing machine

3. Put something UNDER your tablecloth so that the paint does not get on the table (learn from my mistake!)

Starting the Project:

1. Take each child, one at a time, to the tablecloth.

2. Place their hand in the paint and then immediately onto the tablecloth.

3. You are going to make a mess, so plan accordingly.

4. Take the first child to the sink to wash his/her hands.

5. Take child #2 and repeat…

6. Do this with each child. Take a permanent marker and write what each child is thankful for. Try to ask them separately to get the best and most personal answers. Write the year in the middle of your cluster of hands.

Hold onto this for years to come and watch how this family tradition becomes something each generation looks forward to at Thanksgiving.