Embracing Change: When Life Calls for a Move

By |2023-12-01T12:15:46-06:00November 19, 2023|Real Estate Video|

Life is full of surprises, and those surprises often lead to big changes. Whether you're welcoming a new addition to your family, saying goodbye to a loved one, embarking on a new career, or retiring from the workforce, life events can sometimes call for a move. In this brief video, we'll explore some of the most common life-changing events that people face and how they can inspire a move. If you're experiencing a life-changing event that's moving you to buy or sell, don't hesitate to reach out. I can help you make the most of this transitional period in your [...]

Reasons You May Want to Sell Your Home Now!

By |2023-12-01T12:18:09-06:00October 18, 2023|Real Estate Video, Video|

Fall is often overlooked as a good time to sell a house, but it can actually be a great time to do so, especially if you're targeting buyers who are motivated to move before the holiday season. Understandably, some homeowners are worried about the current market and are putting off their plans to sell because of where mortgage rates are. But, with many people wanting to be closer to family for the holidays, selling your house now gives them enough time to settle in before the holiday festivities begin and may work in your favor. And what about YOUR needs [...]

What’s in Store? Decoding Mortgage Rate Trend Predictions

By |2023-12-01T12:17:32-06:00July 19, 2023|Real Estate Video|

In this brief video, I dive into the burning question everyone wants to know: "What's going to happen with mortgage rates?" While I can't predict the future, I'll share valuable insights from industry experts and tell you the advice I’m currently giving to my Austin, TX home buyers. My goal is to provide you with a clear understanding of the housing market, empowering you to make informed decisions whether you're a prospective home buyer or just curious about economic trends. If you have any questions or would like talk about real estate or your home buying and selling goals, please [...]

Home Buying Process Explained: The ‘Cliff Notes’ Version

By |2023-08-10T13:05:40-05:00May 11, 2023|Real Estate Video, Video|

This is just a quick, literally very brief, and simple overview of the home buying process. In just a couple of minutes, you'll get a glimpse of some of the key steps involved in buying a home, including getting pre-approved for a mortgage, finding the right property, making an offer, and closing the deal. While this video is a helpful introduction to the process, it's important to remember that buying a home can be a complex and sometimes overwhelming experience. That's why it's always a good idea to work with an experienced real estate who can guide you through each [...]

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