With Thanksgiving just days away, it’s time to start thinking about making your turkey. While it seems as simple as seasoning the turkey and throwing it into the oven, there are tips and tricks that can help increase your chances of cooking the most flavorful and tender turkey around. These turkey tips will help you host the best Thanksgiving meal yet!

First Tip: The obvious- Thaw the turkey. Turkey’s need at least 4 hours to thaw per pound, so be sure you know the size of your turkey and set it out plenty of time beforehand. You’ll want to set it out even earlier if you plan to brine the turkey. You can defrost the turkey in the fridge, but learn from my mistake and definitely give yourself more than enough time to thaw it out.

Second Tip: Research a great recipe or use Grandma’s famous recipe. Follow the cooking instructions of your favorite recipe and be sure not to peek while the turkey is in the oven. The more you check on it, the more fluctuation in over temperature may occur which could potentially lead to a dry meat.

Third Tip: Prep the side dishes. Making side dishes in advance gives you more time to focus on the turkey and your guests without feeling overwhelmed! Consider making dishes like mashed potatoes or other casseroles in advance and simply heating them up in the oven the day of. Another idea is to slice and dice anything you may need in advance and mixing the day of, such as for side salad.

Fourth Tip: While you are in the kitchen cooking, you don’t want it to feel overcrowded! Plan games and other activities for the family to keep them occupied while you finish the cooking.

Final Tip: Have a plan ahead of time for your clean up process. While using heavy duty paper or plastic ware is a quick solution, you will still have your serving dishes and utensils. Consider having a large bin or bucket filled with soapy water for soaking dishes in. Similarly, have Tupperware or to-go containers ready for leftovers and sending family and friends home with to-go meals!

Bonus Tip: Let your family help! You can have young kids collect the trash items, have family members bring dirty dishes from the dining area into the kitchen, and have friends help you put leftovers into containers. You don’t have to do it alone to make it a fun and memorable Thanksgiving gathering.

Bonus Bonus Tip: If you think your kitchen is too small or not totally functional and want a larger kitchen, reach out. I would love to help you find the kitchen of your dreams to entertain your family and friends in for years to come! If you want to buy a new home with a gourmet kitchen and sell your current home, I am always here to help!

What tips would you give for someone hosting Thanksgiving? I would love to hear what you do to make meal prep, the gathering of friends and family, and the cleanup a seamless process.