Worried About Home Maintenance Costs? Consider This

By |2024-06-01T16:24:26-05:00May 21, 2024|Real Estate|

If one of the main reasons you’re hesitant to buy a home is because you’re worried about the upkeep, here’s some information you may find interesting on both new home construction and existing homes (a home that’s been lived in by a previous owner). Newly Built Homes Need Less Upfront Maintenance If you can afford it, you may find a newly built home could help ease your worries about maintenance costs. Think about it, if everything in the house is brand new, it won’t have the wear and tear you may see in an existing home – and that means it’s less likely to [...]

How Buying or Selling a Home Benefits Your Community

By |2024-06-01T16:15:42-05:00May 8, 2024|Real Estate|

If you're thinking of buying or selling a house, it's important to know it doesn't just impact you—it helps out the local economy and your community, too. Every year, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) puts out a report that breaks down the financial impact that comes from people buying and selling homes (see visual below): When a house is sold, it really boosts the local economy. That’s because of all the people needed to build, fix up, and sell homes. Robert Dietz, Chief Economist at the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), explains how the housing industry adds jobs to a community: “. . . housing is a significant job creator. In fact, for every single-family home built, [...]

The Best Way To Keep Track of Mortgage Rate Trends

By |2024-06-01T16:06:26-05:00April 1, 2024|Real Estate|

If you’re thinking about buying a home, chances are you’ve got mortgage rates on your mind. You’ve heard about how they impact how much you can afford in your monthly mortgage payment, and you want to make sure you’re factoring that in as you plan your move. The problem is, with all the headlines in the news about rates lately, it can be a bit overwhelming to sort through. Here’s a quick rundown of what you really need to know. The Latest on Mortgage Rates Rates have been volatile – that means they’re bouncing around a bit. And, you may be wondering, why? The answer is [...]

Ways Your Home Equity Can Help You Reach Your Goals

By |2024-01-15T12:08:33-06:00January 15, 2024|Real Estate|

If you’ve owned your house for at least a couple of years, there’s something you’re going to want to know more about – and that’s home equity. If you’re not familiar with that term, Freddie Mac defines it like this: “. . . your home’s equity is the difference between how much your home is worth and how much you owe on your mortgage.” That means your equity grows as you pay down your home loan over time and as home values climb. While it’s true home prices dipped slightly last year, they rebounded and have been climbing in many areas since then. Here’s why that price growth is good [...]

3 Keys To Hitting Your Homeownership Goals in 2024

By |2024-01-01T12:23:13-06:00January 1, 2024|Real Estate|

If buying or selling a home is your goal for 2024, it’s important to understand today’s housing market, know your why, and work with industry experts to bring your homeownership vision for the new year into focus. Over the last year, the economy had a big impact on the housing market, and likely on your wallet too. That’s why it’s critical to have a clear picture of not just the market today, but also on what you want out of it when you buy or sell a home. Danielle Hale, Chief Economist at Realtor.com, explains: “The key to making a good decision in this challenging housing [...]

Why Mortgage Rates Could Continue To Decline

By |2023-12-20T09:13:50-06:00December 20, 2023|Real Estate, Uncategorized|

When you read about the housing market, you’ll probably come across some information about inflation or recent decisions made by the Federal Reserve (the Fed). But how do those two things impact you and your homebuying plans? Here's what you need to know. The Federal Funds Rate Hikes Have Stalled One of the Fed’s primary goals is to lower inflation. In order to do that, they started raising the Federal Funds Rate to slow down the economy. Even though this doesn’t directly dictate what happens with mortgage rates, it does have an impact. Recently inflation has started to cool, a signal those increases worked and are [...]

Tips for Making Your Best Offer on a Home

By |2023-07-27T17:14:11-05:00July 27, 2023|Real Estate|

While the wild ride that was the ‘unicorn’ years of housing is behind us, today’s market is still competitive in many areas because the supply of homes for sale is still low. If you’re looking to buy a home this season, know that the peak frenzy of bidding wars is in the rearview mirror, but you may still come up against some multiple-offer scenarios. Here are a few things to consider to help you put your best foot forward when making an offer on a home. 1. Lean on a Real Estate Professional Rely on an agent who can support your goals and help you understand [...]

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