Simple Steps to Organize Your Home in January

By |2024-02-20T11:26:45-06:00January 3, 2024|Lifestyle|

January often brings feelings of renewal and a desire for a fresh start. But for many, the post-holiday season can also leave homes feeling cluttered and chaotic. Don't despair! By taking small, manageable steps now, you can banish that feeling and create a more organized and peaceful space you'll love. Remember, organization is a journey, not a destination. Don't try to do everything at once. Instead, set achievable goals and focus on tackling one room or task at a time. Here are some simple yet effective ways to jump-start your January organizing: 1. Clear Out Holiday Clutter: Put away new [...]

November’s Home Maintenance Checklist: Preparing Your Home for Winter

By |2023-11-18T12:30:56-06:00November 4, 2023|Lifestyle|

As the leaves turn and the air becomes crisp (well, maybe not as dramatically here in Centra Texas), it's time to prepare your home for the upcoming winter season. While the holidays may be filling your mind with thoughts of festive gatherings and cozy nights by the fire, taking proactive steps to maintain your property now can save you from potential headaches and costly repairs later on. Rake, Aerate, and Mulch The sight of fallen leaves can be picturesque, but leaving them on your lawn can lead to problems. Damp leaves can create a haven for pests and mold, while [...]

Summer-Proof Your Home: Energy-Efficient Tips for a Cool and Comfortable Season

By |2023-04-27T19:18:35-05:00April 25, 2023|Real Estate|

As temperatures start to soar, the summer heat can become unbearable. Summer temperatures in Texas can be brutal, with daily highs regularly reaching into the 90s and sometimes surpassing 100°F! While cranking up the air conditioning may provide temporary relief, it can also result in sky-high energy bills and increased carbon emissions. Did you know that the United States has some of the highest energy consumption rates per capita in the world? In fact, buildings account for 39% of total energy use and 38% of carbon emissions in the country (U.S. Department of Energy). By reducing your energy usage, not [...]

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