November’s Home Maintenance Checklist: Preparing Your Home for Winter

By |2023-11-18T12:30:56-06:00November 4, 2023|Lifestyle|

As the leaves turn and the air becomes crisp (well, maybe not as dramatically here in Centra Texas), it's time to prepare your home for the upcoming winter season. While the holidays may be filling your mind with thoughts of festive gatherings and cozy nights by the fire, taking proactive steps to maintain your property now can save you from potential headaches and costly repairs later on. Rake, Aerate, and Mulch The sight of fallen leaves can be picturesque, but leaving them on your lawn can lead to problems. Damp leaves can create a haven for pests and mold, while [...]

How to Become a Homeowner on a First-Time Buyer’s Budget

By |2023-05-04T14:38:39-05:00May 4, 2023|Real Estate|

It's not easy being a first-time homebuyer right now. At the end of last year, housing affordability hit an all-time low.1 Additionally, mortgage rates have risen significantly since 2021, while inventory remains tight for many property categories, but especially for starter homes. Even lower-priced condos are harder to snag these days, as investors and downsizers muscle out first-timers by offering stronger, often cash-heavy bids.2 In fact, according to the National Association of Realtors, only 26% of last year's homebuyers were first-timers—the lowest share on record and down from 34% a year prior. This underscores just how steep a hill new [...]

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