The Ultimate Low Carb Delight: A Delicious Whipped Cream Recipe

By |2023-05-11T08:13:37-05:00May 1, 2023|Low Carb Recipe Videos, Low Carb Recipes, Video|

As a low carb eater here in Austin, TX, I find that it's difficult to find places that serve up diet friendly desserts. I sometimes miss sweet treats like ice cream, brownies, and pecan pie! While I can buy pre-packaged or dessert mix items in a low carb or keto variety at my local grocery store, they are definitely pricey and often times, just not that great. So, I've set out to learn to make some of these snacks at home with ingredients that are staple items in my pantry anyway. I started simple and came up with an easy [...]

Healthy and Delicious: The Benefits of Turnips as a Potato Substitute

By |2023-04-22T12:13:53-05:00April 22, 2023|Lifestyle, Low Carb Recipes|

Turnips are a nutritious root vegetable that offer many health benefits. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Nutrient Database, turnips are low in calories and high in fiber, making them a great option for anyone looking to maintain a healthy diet. In addition to their fiber content, turnips are a good source of important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, folate, and potassium. For those looking for a low-carb substitute for potatoes, turnips may be a great option. While 100 grams of raw turnips contain only 6 grams of carbohydrates, 100 grams of raw potatoes contain [...]

Luscious Lemon Low-Carb Cheesecake

By |2023-04-21T19:42:19-05:00March 9, 2023|Lifestyle, Low Carb Recipes|

If you're looking for a delicious and guilt-free dessert, this low-carb cheesecake recipe is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth! Made with a nut flour crust and a creamy, flavorful filling, this cheesecake is the perfect dessert for anyone following a low-carb or keto diet. Ingredients: For the crust: 10 TBS Butter (1 stick plus 1/4 stick) 2 Cups Nut Flour (I use pecan or a mixed nut flour) 1/3 Cup Swerve Brown Sugar For the Filling: 16 oz Cream Cheese, Softened 1/2 Cup Swerve Confectioners Sugar 2 Medium-Large Eggs 1 tsp Vanilla Extract 1 tsp Lemon Extract Fresh lemon [...]

Gouda Morning Low-Carb Breakfast Burrito

By |2023-04-21T19:36:28-05:00March 9, 2023|Lifestyle, Low Carb Recipes|

In recent years, the popularity of low-carb diets has increased due to the many health benefits they offer. Low-carb diets can help with weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases. Furthermore, starting your day with a healthy breakfast can provide you with the energy and nutrients you need to kickstart your day and improve your overall well-being. By combining these two practices, you can enjoy a delicious and nutritious breakfast that will leave you feeling satisfied and energized throughout the day. Disclaimer: This recipe is perfect for those looking for a delicious and [...]

Low Carb Living: A Lifestyle Change for Better Health

By |2023-04-21T19:21:14-05:00March 9, 2023|Lifestyle|

Are you looking for a way to improve your health and wellbeing? If so, have you considered a low carb diet? This way of eating has been gaining popularity in recent years, and for good reason - it can have numerous positive effects on the body and mind. As someone who has been following a low carb/keto diet for almost 5 years with my husband, I can attest to the amazing benefits we have experienced. We began our journey as strictly keto, but have started to incorporate a few more carbs over the years. We have tested new recipes, learned [...]

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