Worried About Mortgage Rates? Control the Controllables

By |2024-06-21T13:35:56-05:00June 21, 2024|Real Estate|

Chances are you’re hearing a lot about mortgage rates right now. You may even see some headlines talking about last week’s Federal Reserve (the Fed) meeting and what it means for rates. But the Fed doesn’t determine mortgage rates, even if the headlines make it sound like they do. The truth is, mortgage rates are impacted by a lot of factors: geo-political uncertainty, inflation and the economy, and more. And trying to pin down when all those factors will line up enough for rates to come down is tricky. That’s why it’s generally not worth it to try to time the market. There’s too much at play that you can’t [...]

The Biggest Mistakes Buyers Are Making Today

By |2024-06-01T16:30:48-05:00June 1, 2024|Real Estate|

Buyers face challenges in any market – and today’s is no different. With higher mortgage rates and rising prices, plus the limited supply of homes for sale, there’s a lot to consider. But, there's one way to avoid getting tripped up – and that’s leaning on a real estate agent for the best possible advice. An expert’s insights will help you avoid some of the most common mistakes homebuyers are making right now. Putting Off Pre-approval As part of the homebuying process, a lender will look at your finances to figure out what they’re willing to loan you for your mortgage. This gives you a good idea of what you can borrow so [...]

Should I Wait for Mortgage Rates To Come Down Before I Move?

By |2024-06-01T16:12:46-05:00April 29, 2024|Real Estate|

If you’ve got a move on your mind, you may be wondering whether you should wait to sell until mortgage rates come down before you spring into action. Here’s some information that could help answer that question for you. In the housing market, there’s a longstanding relationship between mortgage rates and buyer demand. Typically, the higher rates are, you’ll see lower buyer demand. That’s because some people who want to move will be hesitant to take on a higher mortgage rate for their next home. So, they decide to wait it out and put their plans on hold. But when rates start to come [...]

The Best Way To Keep Track of Mortgage Rate Trends

By |2024-06-01T16:06:26-05:00April 1, 2024|Real Estate|

If you’re thinking about buying a home, chances are you’ve got mortgage rates on your mind. You’ve heard about how they impact how much you can afford in your monthly mortgage payment, and you want to make sure you’re factoring that in as you plan your move. The problem is, with all the headlines in the news about rates lately, it can be a bit overwhelming to sort through. Here’s a quick rundown of what you really need to know. The Latest on Mortgage Rates Rates have been volatile – that means they’re bouncing around a bit. And, you may be wondering, why? The answer is [...]

Why Mortgage Rates Could Continue To Decline

By |2023-12-20T09:13:50-06:00December 20, 2023|Real Estate, Uncategorized|

When you read about the housing market, you’ll probably come across some information about inflation or recent decisions made by the Federal Reserve (the Fed). But how do those two things impact you and your homebuying plans? Here's what you need to know. The Federal Funds Rate Hikes Have Stalled One of the Fed’s primary goals is to lower inflation. In order to do that, they started raising the Federal Funds Rate to slow down the economy. Even though this doesn’t directly dictate what happens with mortgage rates, it does have an impact. Recently inflation has started to cool, a signal those increases worked and are [...]

Are the Top 3 Housing Market Questions on Your Mind?

By |2023-12-01T11:30:12-06:00December 1, 2023|Real Estate|

When it comes to what’s happening in the housing market, there’s a lot of confusion going around right now. You may hear one thing in conversation with your friends, see something totally different on the news, and read something on social media that contradicts both of those thoughts. And, if you’re thinking about making a move, that can leave you with a lot of lingering questions. That’s where a trusted local real estate agent comes in. Here are the top 3 questions people are asking about today’s housing market, and the data to help answer them. 1. What’s Next for Mortgage Rates? Mortgage rates are [...]

What’s in Store? Decoding Mortgage Rate Trend Predictions

By |2023-12-01T12:17:32-06:00July 19, 2023|Real Estate Video|

In this brief video, I dive into the burning question everyone wants to know: "What's going to happen with mortgage rates?" While I can't predict the future, I'll share valuable insights from industry experts and tell you the advice I’m currently giving to my Austin, TX home buyers. My goal is to provide you with a clear understanding of the housing market, empowering you to make informed decisions whether you're a prospective home buyer or just curious about economic trends. If you have any questions or would like talk about real estate or your home buying and selling goals, please [...]

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